There is concession allowing the imaginary to be built from pre-existing materials, a commemoration of process, of history and how this articulates present narratives. Album Name, the latest work by “JP” Rodriguez through his project Special Cases, released by Australian label Weisskalt, is precisely consensus and progression, a rhythmic and melodic celebration of history, a narrative that flows and projects the sounds to come.
The repetition and darkness coming from the experience with Follakzöid merged with the harmony and lysergic luminosity of Chicos de Nazca are embodied in an exploration full of layers, torsion and harmonies which envelope the atmosphere until they build their own habitat.
Away from the distortion walls of its predecessor Better Days (2018) and focused on deepening and building songs, the album is a room where experimentation and eloquence rest. Simultaneously, the distance from manipulated electrical sounds and alteration of timbres, demarcate the new route, which finds a primal sound where previous searches converge.
The drone and psychedelia as a language, electronics as an instrument and rock as a texture, are the elements found in an ~hour of improvisation, gears and sequences, restoring a minimalist rite that celebrates the encounter of sound in its cosmos.
Scarcity as a resource is found this time with different views, where joining JP, are discovered in Martín Avendaño, Diego Hernández, Diego Silva, Zach, along with the collaboration of Francisco Cabala and Tan Vargas, a brotherhood of less vapourous harmonies, but more raw and forceful rhythms.
The work based on rhythmic crossovers of guitar, bass and drums mark another step, after those achieved with the Roland JD800 and the SPX404 sampler used in the group’s debut album, “Special Cases” , originally released in 2014 on ETCS and re-released this year on vinyl by Weisskalt, with a review by Stephen Lawrie, founder of the English noise band, The Telescopes. However, the structuring remains the same: deepen the experimentation of the 2018 album and build new dimensions, soft melodies transforming the fragile into overflowing and luminous sounds of greater diversity, colours, fabrics and landscapes.
If the beginning was the playful encounter of the synthetic, this third instalment marks the experience and immediate sensitivity of improvisation in the channel, overflow and suspended exploration of particles that, between the electric strings, pass through the air, beginning the soft and comforting movement.